Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Serve,Care and Heal!!

This is the vision of a hospital that I am working in.Wow,couldn't be more happy when 2 of the patient that I am nursing came to receive Christ!!Indeed like what the Bible say as one soul is saved,the whole heaven rejoice!!
This is the reason God had wanted me to touch lives.In fact a lot of people who are at the end of life didn't know there is such God that they can rely on.They suffered from depression,constanly having the mindset that their purpose is to await death...
How sad can this be,but is true,especially for those without social support,these people tend to sink into a state of hopelessness.
Sometime this people can be around us,they may appear so happy on the outside,yet the inside of them, they carry such fear..fear of dying and rejection.Some living in a state of denial,couldn't accept the diagnosis of their sickness and the deterioation of their health conditions.
However if we can know that some of these people can come to have life,and that they may have it more abundantly (john10:10).
Dear friends,our word,our action of love,care and concern(not just the nurses)can make a difference in their lives!It is all up to us now to take the courage to meet the needs,and heal their hurtings...
Is a decision and I am determine to..not by might nor by power,but by the Spirit of the living God(zech4:6)!

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All Smiles!!