Monday, August 10, 2009

Women of this generation

...Being a lady is seemingly hard hard hard, even after so much association with so much woman in life, my mum,cousins,my female nurses, my female leaders & friends! Female!!! Haha,in the past I was someone quite tom-boyish,growing up with my brothers, associating with all my guy friends...I don't mind if pple treat me as their brother!
Shirt & pants my kind of dressing,ya kinda nerdy in the past too!lol
Being touchy eg:like hugs,observing others being intimate seem to make my hair stand on ends.

But her affection touches me, her voice brings grace, her works for charity inspired me.
She's our Church beloved Ho Yeow Sun,Pastor's wife!:)
During my secondary school days, before I receive Christ. I was with my class doin a survey along Orchard road, on the LCD screen played a MV by Sun,"Wo men de dong tian."
Her voice was drawing.

Few months down the road I came to Christ before I knew it, Sun is actually my church's pastor too!
I was in WYZ zone then, subsequently multiplied to Yi Lun's zone. As Yi Lun was giving me BS, she shared with me ,if we were to cut open Sun's heart, we'll see China. Sun had always carried a heart for China, building homes, schools & making donation to the people in China!
Wow China,it was her action that really inspired me to reach out to the Chinese nurses during my sch days. I carried the burden for China,preaching to them abt Christ.
Now I pray even as a nurse I can do the little things, to meet the needs, heal the hurts,reaching out to China in future.

I am still in the midst of learning,looking up to the powerful woman of this generation!
Sun, Lun, Zhen, Yun:)
I ve great dreams of being a woman preacher, sharing my life experiences, empowering others with skills to enhance their rate of employment!

Of course in His light, i changed,simply dressed up a little more, smile a little more,Powerful woman also need to be lady-like.Shall be more feminine on the outside,loving in the inside.
Because afterall,beauty is in His creation=D

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All Smiles!!